“There’s a radical kindness in Jo’s classes, always encouraging compassion towards yourself. You come away feeling balanced, mentally as well as physically.”

Public classes

The majority of my public yoga classes are Vinyasa Flow; linking movement with breath, and focusing on the transitions between the poses as well as the alignment in the pose itself. I always give plenty of options for you to take things a little deeper or stronger, or to modify your practice to slow down, rest and accommodate pregnancy, injury, or just a tired day.

I teach both online and in person classes. You can see my weekly timetable and book a class here.


Yoga For People With Disabilities

Before becoming a yoga teacher, I worked with children and young people with disabilities for 12 years. I love to teach yoga in a simple, visual and inclusive way – it can bring so much benefit and should be fully accessible to people who find it difficult to do group work, or who may need a little extra support to take part in a class. I am also confident using British Sign Language (although not an interpreter). Please get in touch for more information.

Corporate classes

Often it’s difficult to fit a yoga class in around work and home commitments. I teach yoga in the workplace; uplifting, strengthening classes, enabling you and your colleagues to release your bodies from desk hunching and general work pressure. The aim is to de-stress and feel comfort and calm in your body.

Get in touch and we can find a time to suit you and your team. We can do these classes in person, or online.


Yoga For Beginners

I teach beginners courses, usually structured as six classes over six consecutive weeks. These courses provide a steady and grounding way to cover the basics of yoga, ask questions and develop a confident practice with other beginners, in a supportive environment. I also teach 1-1 classes for beginners who may not feel ready to join a public class.


Yoga For Children & Young People

Yoga can have exceptional results for children and young people, especially if taught in schools. Short 30 minute classes to bring younger children into their bodies, ground them and calm them. Teenagers benefit from slightly longer classes with deep rest at the end. I teach in schools and pre/after school clubs. Classes can be in-person, or online.