
Before teaching yoga I worked with children and young people with disabilities for many years – focusing on empowerment, participation and rights. I worked across the UK and eventually internationally; training professionals to empower and safeguard the children they worked with. 

The work I did brought me a huge amount of joy, and the demands of it; a lot of responsibility, pretty much constant jetlag, and the occasional feeling that my heart was stretched dangerously wide, were always kept in check by my yoga practice. For 12 years, I returned again and again to my mat to nurture myself, reconnect with my breath, soften the noise of my thoughts and focus instead on my inhale, my exhale, and the simplicity of breath-led movement.

Yoga has anchored me through some difficult times. Brought me back into myself, taught me how to shine compassion inwards as well as outwards. Deciding to give up my work and to teach yoga full time was one of the best, most instinctively good decisions I’ve ever made. 

I believe everyone should be able to access yoga, and the incredible benefits it brings. My yoga classes are based on the principle that all bodies are good bodies, all humans deserve to feel valued and accepted, and that the ability to nurture kindness towards yourself is one of the most powerful things we can learn. Yoga gives me a tool to share this with people, to inject a little bit of peace, breath, strength and hopefulness into what can often seem an exhausting and demanding world. 

I teach light hearted and joyful classes, and believe the best thing I can leave my students with is an ability to maintain a compassionate and comfortable relationship with themselves and an awareness of their own deep wisdom.